Leadership Actions & Behaviours
Effective leaders get results.
Part 2
In a previous Leadership Minute I talked about the three areas of focus for frontline leaders, being:
1. One on One Relationships with each team member
2. Consistent Role Modelling – Leading the Way
3. Building a Powerful Team Dynamic
But its your actions and behaviours that will bring these three areas of focus to life. Nothing changes if you don’t apply the appropriate actions in each of these three areas.
Actions drive results.
In each of these three focus areas you need to identify the specific actions and behaviours and appply the appropriate effort for each.
Building one on one relationships with each of your team members is critical to ensure their individual characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, capabilities and opportunities are addressed in a way personal to each.
Consistent role modelling, leading the way, has more impact than most realise. It’s your actions, reactions, areas of focus, how you react under stress and pressure and in difficult situations that are noticed. Acting and behaving the way you want your people to, at all times, is essential.
Walk the talk!
Building a powerful team dynamic is essential to maximise performance of your team. There are plenty of opportunities to bring your team together, either in person, by phone or by other hook-ups, and the benefits are significant.
Identifying the specific actions and behaviours that bring these three focus elements to life in your business will help set you up for more effective leadership.
The Leadership Actions & Behaviours Checklist is an introduction to frontline leadership capability – your actions and behaviours will be specific to your role and your business. Consider actions and behaviours across each of the three high-level frontline leadership focus areas as some of the “WHAT” effective leaders do.
Download the worksheet form to identify and record the actions and behaviours you consider important to bring your leadership to life.
Take action now: